About me



My bots are NOT MADE for female viewers.

Please do not swap the genders in this either, they are made for MALE VIEWERS.

First paw : go back to home.
( blue paw )

Second paw : requesting bots ‘ etc.
( red paw )

Requesting is free.

Male/trans/wlw are allowed.mlm bots are NOT MADE for female viewers, only wlw.

You need to describe it properly to me in dms so I can make a way around it. (I have global delay so it will take me a bit to understand lol)

Press paw to go back home.

Kavi | Riko. - Kavi is a nickname -

She | him - genderfluid, idm any.

I love motorcycles/sport cars.Suzuki : Kawasaki : Yamaha. -
Jaguar : Mustang.

my favourite games are action.Rdr2 : warframe : Cod/warzone/black ops 2. : the first descendant (not released, just played beta.)

I love the colour Black - Red - Dark blue - baby pink.I like to write but sometimes not, I have NEVER made bots in my life so i apologise for anything that isn’t correct.
